Chanel‘s handbag lookbooks are always fun; they usually contain 35 to 45 bags, ranging from casual looks like denim or canvas to eye-popping exotics and pieces that feature heavy beading or embroidery, all of which give Chanel fans a very good idea of the full lines they’ll find in stores. For Pre-Collection fall 2016, Chanel has been even more generous: its just-launched lookbook features 64 brand new bags.

In this collection, there aren’t any heavy pop cultural influences, as has been common in seasonal Chanel collections of the recent past. Instead, Karl Lagerfeld and his accessories team went back to basics, with rich tweeds, quilted leather and embellished python. Every couple of years, it’s nice to have a Chanel collection whose only theme is Chanel.

Take a look at the bags and their prices below; this collection is currently available in Chanel boutiques worldwide.

Chanel Alligator Flap Bag

Chanel Backpack

Chanel Bowling Bag

Chanel Box evening Bag

Chanel boy Bag in embroidered Python

Chanel boy Bag in embroidered Python

Chanel boy Bag in Tweed
$ 4.900

Chanel boy Bag
$ 4.500

Chanel boy Shearling Bag

Chanel camera Case

Chanel Chain-Embellished Clutch
$ 4.200

Chanel Chain-Embellished Flap Bag
$ 4.500

Chanel Chevron Flap Bag

Chanel denim and Calf Flap Bag

Chanel denim and Calf Flap Bag

Chanel denim Backpack

Chanel denim shopping Tote

Chanel Drawstring Bag

Chanel Drawstring Bag
$ 3.600

Chanel embellished Python boy Bag

Chanel embellished Python Clutch

Chanel embroidered classic Flap Bags

Chanel Flap Bag

Chanel Flap Bag

Chanel Flap Bag

Chanel Flap Bag and Tote
$3,300 and $4,300

Chanel Flap Bag

Chanel Flap Bag
$ 4.900

Chanel Flap Bag
$ 3.600

Chanel Flap top Chevron Bags
$4,100 and $3,100

Chanel Glittered leather Clutch

Chanel Goatskin top handle Flap Bag

Chanel Lambskin Backpack

Chanel Lambskin Clutch

Chanel Lambskin evening Bag

Chanel large denim shopper Tote

Chanel large shopping Bag

Chanel large shopping Tote

Chanel large shopping Tote

Chanel messenger Bag

Chanel messenger Bag

Chanel messenger Bag

Chanel metallic Bowling Bag

Chanel metallic Clutch

Chanel metallic Lambskin evening Bag

Chanel metallic Python shopping Bag

Chanel Python evening Bag

Chanel Python Flap Bag

Chanel Python Flap Bag

Chanel Python large shopping Tote

Chanel Python top handle Flap Bag

Chanel Shearling Bowling Bag

Chanel Shearling top handle Bag

Chanel Shearling top handle Flap Bag

Chanel small shopping Bag

Chanel small shopping Bag

Chanel top handle Flap Bag
$ 3.600

Chanel top handle Flap Bag

Chanel Tweed Backpack

Chanel Tweed Flap Bag
$ 3.600

Chanel Tweed Flap Bag
$ 3.600

Chanel Tweed Flap Bag
$ 3.600

Chanel velvet classic Flap Bag

Chanel velvet Flap Bag